Test Page

This is a test page.  Feel free to edit the text, etc.

Test text here 参加ご希望の生徒さんは、09/21までにお電話か、E-MAILで予約を入れてください。

受講料は、Let’s Chat 1クラスにつき¥2,000になります。

『Let’s Chatクラス』は、教科書を使わずにOpen Discussionをします。



I am formatting different words in this sentence.

  • Bullet Point 1
  • Bullet Point 2
  • Bullet Point 3

This sentence has a link to another page.

This sentence has a link to another website.


Here are the headings you can add:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4


Adding an image:

1. click “Upload/Insert”
2. Then click “Select files”. Chose a file from your computer.
3. The photo will upload to the server.
4. Then click on the button “Insert into post”. It will then be on your page.

Without border:


With border:


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